Monthly Archives: January 2025

Lodge your bond digitally with Tenancy Services New Zealand

Posted on January 9, 2025
This RentHQ change only applies to New Zealand customers.

Tenancy Services in New Zealand now allows bonds to be lodged electronically! This new system eliminates the need for the Bond Lodgement form and tenant signatures, streamlining the process significantly. RentHQ has integrated this functionality into its latest version.

Here’s how it works in three easy steps:
  1. Register your RealMe account
    Start by registering your RealMe account. This step authorizes RentHQ to access your Tenancy Services account on your behalf.

  2. Set up your landlord information
    You can register your landlord details at two levels:
    • Globally at the RentHQ account level.
    • Individually for each property owner.

  3. Register the bond
    Finally, complete the process by registering the bond electronically.
Helpful Resources
To make the process easier, we’ve created a step-by-step YouTube tutorial. We strongly recommend watching it, as the procedure involves several steps.
Watch the tutorial here.

Looking Ahead
Currently, Tenancy Services supports electronic bond lodgements only. However, they plan to roll out additional services in the future, including electronic bond refunds.

We’re excited to bring you this streamlined solution and hope it simplifies your property management tasks!