There have been a few small changes made to RentHQ recently.
- When generating letters via the mail merge facility, it will now list the email address and property code against the tenant or owners name. This can be handy if you know which property a tenant is occupying but cant remember their name, or you only want to generate letters for people with an email address. When generating owner letters, the property column will always be blank as an owner can have multiple properties.
- When printing mail merge letters, there is now a page margin all the way around the page. This makes the printing look better. When you use the Preview button to view letters, the result on screen tries to recreate the page size as printed on the paper, including the margins, so you can visualise the result. Slight variations with different printers may still result.
- You can no longer use the back button to go to a previous page within RentHQ. The back button takes you out of RentHQ altogether. Pressing the back button while the system was busy doing things was causing problems.
- There have been more training videos created, and a link within RentHQ to go to the videos page.