The owner transaction summary report has been modified with the addition of a new printing option. The option is to print the Last Disbursement and Related Transactions.
What this option means is the report will use the date range selected by the user, and select the last disbursement made to each owner during the time frame selected. The reason it uses a date range is because some old owners may not have had a disbursement for the last 6 months because they are closed, so we dont want to print the last disbursement for those owners each time. If an owner has not had a disbursement in the selected date range, they will not get a report printed. Often it would make sense for the date range to be a single day, and often that would be the current day if you have just done a disbursement run.
The report then prints that disbursement, and all transactions related to that disbursement. This means all income and expense transactions and any extra fees. The date of the transactions are therefore irrelevant. The transaction date may be outside the date range selected on the report.
There is still the option to print transactions based on the date range, not the last disbursement, which has been the normal way of doing this until now.