When importing a bank statement, if the number of transactions in the file is large, the system goes very slow. Even opening or closing the rules window becomes slow.
The reason it is slow is because the number of items in the scrollable screen is very large.
A change has been changed to make it faster. The solution was to split the file into multiple pages. Each page contains 30 items. At the bottom of the screen it will tell you which page it is on, and you can press the Next Page of Previous Page buttons to move between the various pages. It is a bit like the google search results only showing 10 at a time, but you can move to the next page to see more.
If you have 40 items or less, it will fit them all on the one page. Once the file goes over 40, it will split it into pages of 30 at a time.
If you have any rules, or add new rules, the rules will automatically get applied to all transactions, even the ones not on the currently visible page. The total count of completed and incomplete transactions will also include those not on the currently visible page.